Mind Shelter - A band with no boundaries
We spoke to Lexander, guitarist of Mind Shelter in Nighttown, Rotterdam. The last time Metalrage saw Mind Shelter, they showed us Nu-Metal could still be refreshing and we were excited seeing them again. We even invited Siem to go with us. After the show it was time to do some work!
Most of the readers probably don’t know you yet. Can you give us a short introduction of what Mind Shelter is about?
Mind Shelter is a band that combines metal with electronics and visual effects. The band consists of three members from South America and three Dutch members, and we’re residing in the Netherlands at the moment.
I read on the internet that you are looking for a new singer. What’s the story?
The story is that the former singer isn't�in the band anymore, the guy who recorded the CD. The current singer is doing a couple of gigs with us. We’re auditioning people at the moment. He’s also a candidate.
You seem to have international ambitions, what has happened on that level so far?
In America there’s chronixradio.com, which is one of the largest metal radio stations on the internet. At this moment we have two singles playing on chronixradio.com and we’re among the top requested bands. We have an American management and we’re negotiating on record deals with several labels.
What are the personal influences and musical backgrounds of each member?
That’s very hard to say. It’s so diverse. We listen to all sorts of music ranging from folk to black metal and even classical music. But we all love heavy music and electronics.
Is it hard to mix those up in one style?
Well actually I think it makes it easier because Mind Shelter is a band with no boundaries. We all integrate our own styles in the mix that makes our sound. For example you can hear some Arabic and Indian folk on some songs on the CD.
We were wondering if you have any connection with Agresion? Also a partly-Venezuelan band residing in Amsterdam.
That’s funny, back in Venezuela we didn’t know them, even though we were living in the same city. But now that we live in Amsterdam we regularly bump into them. They are great guys.
How did the live-show get his current shape, with all the visual elements?
We wanted to combine music with visual elements. We’re 3D-designers so we chose to add 3D projections to the music.
The girl who does the sampling and visuals, has she always been a VJ?
Yes, she has been involved in lots of different bands and projects. She also does solo gigs as a VJ.
Does she also create the samples?
No the samples are mainly done by the drummer and me.
Are you in your daily life also occupied with music?
We all have part-time jobs, because it’s not possible to live from our music at the moment. I’m a computer programmer myself.
What are the plans for the future? Will there be an album out?
Like I said before, we are working on a record deal. We’re doing some pre-production for the new album already. We’re also in the process of recording two video’s. Which you can expect on The Box when they are finished. We’re also working to get them on MTV somehow.
Can you tell us something about the video’s?
Well, one of them will be fully animated. Also with animated band members. The other is purely filmed.
Two video’s for one song?
No, two different songs.
All right, last question. Do you have anything left to say to the readers of Metalrage.com?
Wow tough one… Expect more Mind Shelter soon. Keep supporting us and thank you.