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Curtiss - A great band from la France
Curtiss, a great band from France. Probably unknown fot a lot of people. Thats why this first question is the way it is....
I had never heard of Curtiss before I reviewed your album ‘Simplicity’. Can you give us a short description of what Curtiss is all about? For those who are not yet familiar with you.
We are from a little city in the South of France called Aix-en-Provence. It’s just outside of Marseilles. Curtiss came together in September of 2002 and our first album “Simplicity” was just released in France and Benelux.
What does the name Curtiss stand for?
It doesn’t have a real meaning. We just thought it sounded great, and some of us are fans of Joy Division
Your debut album ‘Simplicity’ is just great! I heard all different styles of music in that record. But what are the bands that influenced your music?
We grew up listening to 80s British pop, 90s American rock and most recently emo. We play a kind of mix of those 3 styles and we are fans of very different bands such as Engine Down, Radiohead and Incubus.
Have you guys played in other bands before Curtiss was alive? What kind of bands were that?
Three of us (Alex, Nicolas and Gregory) were in a band named ‘Ownslaught’, which was a hardcore metal band. Geoffrey was in the hardcore band ‘Romeo is Bleeding’ and Pascal was the drummer of Biomech Race – a progressive metal band. The 5 of us came together to make Curtiss when we all decided to play the music we wanted to hear.
Do you guys have a special goal with Curtiss?
Even if the lyrics seem to make sense, we don’t have a real message. Curtiss is mainly about playing good music with a group of friends.
About the album, what is the story behind Simplicity? Is there a special thing you’d like to tell?
We are really proud of it, even though recording it was pretty difficult. Some of the songs were written three years ago when we first rehearsed together. At that time we couldn’t even imagine having an album that would play all over the country, so it’s a strange feeling to find so many people loving the album. We’re really happy about it!
How are things going with Curtiss in France? Do you have any plans for Europe? Netherlands in special?
Things are going well. People like ‘Simplicity’ and the media too. The album was ‘Album of the Month’ in October for Rocksound magazine (French edition). More and more people are asking us to play all over the country. We may play in Belgium in spring and we hope to come to the Netherlands too.
Are there any plans for a new record? If so, what are the plans and what can we expect?
We already have new songs. The new album will sound a bit different than ‘Simplicity’ because we’ve been influenced by different bands during these last two years. Either way, it’s still Curtiss and it’s still difficult to describe our sound!
Do you have anything to add to this interview?
We would like to thank you and Metalrage for your support and we hope to come to the Netherlands soon!
And thank you Curtiss, for your music and of course this interview.


Details Written on 2006-01-01
Writer @Maurits

Tags: #Curtiss