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Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster - Just six dudes having fun
Last month Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster released their second album through Ferret Records, which I gladly reviewed. I got the offer to do a mail-interview with them as well, so here's the result:

For those not familiar with MATSOD, could you introduce yourself  to our readers?

'My name is Joshua Cornutt, and I play guitar for Maylene And The Sons of Disaster. We are a rock and roll band from Alabama.'
What exactly is it that intrigues you guys about Ma Baker and her infamous sons?

'Well in Florida that whole story is based out of a city that Dallas grew up in, it was just a cool idea, and we were kind of just able to put our spin on it.' 
Why did you already change label after your first record?

'Well the record did better than anyone thought it would do, and we just needed to be somewhere that we could grow, and Ferret was the way we thought that we could continue the band and be able to grow.'

What do you consider the main differences between your debut album and II? 

'Our debut album was more current I think, and it was also really one dimensional. With this album we just wanted to make something that we really would be proud of, and that we would be able to say that we actually went for it, and just did what we wanted not what was cool. Being cool is defiantly not something that we are looking to do, we are just making music that we like, and hopefully everyone else will to.' 

You seem to be doing quite well in America for a reasonably new band, do you think the hype will catch on in Europe as well?

'I hope so, Europe was really good to us for it being our first time over there, and we may be going back later in the year, so I hope that people will start to take notice.' 
Last year you already participated in the VANS Warped Tour, and you were already dubbed one of the breakthrough acts, what was that like? 

'Warped Tour is a blast. It is just a big party with a bunch of friends, that happens to travel from city to city. We are doing it for a month again this year and we are really excited about that.'
How does one obtain your digital EP with the previously unreleased track ‘Is That A Threat Or A Promise?’? 

'Itunes, that is the only way I know of.'
Do you have any plans on touring Europe yet? 

'Yeah there is talk that we may be coming back later in the year, I am not sure if I should say who it is with yet, but it will probably be around September or so.'
What can we expect from a live show by Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster? 

'Six dudes being ridiculous, just having a good time. Nothing pretentious about our show at all, just a good time.'
In movies, who do you prefer; Arnold Schwarzenegger of Sylvester Stallone? Motivation? 

'That is a tough one, Stallone just isn’t as big as Arnold, he is just huge, so I will say Arnold.' 
Would you guys consider a career in organized crime yourselves? 

'Nah, probably not, too much red tape if you get caught, and the U.S. Judicial system isn’t exactly in working order, so that one is out of question.'
What are the future plans for Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster? 

'Hopefully this record will keep going as well as it has so far, and we will just tour and tour on it, and then next year we will go in and do a new record and just keep going until people are sick of us.'
Do you have anything to add to this interview?

'Good questions, probably the best ones I have seen in a year, especially the Arnold and Stallone. Thanks.'