The main course was doom metal, but it was the dessert that brought me to this small but cosy venue. Yes, the gentlemen from Hot ‘n Steamy Monkeylove had gotten my as of the couch once more to witness a afternoon of first class doom ‘n sludge! And it was also my debut as a photographer, whahaha!
This band had already started when I entered the building (that WASN’T easy to find, for me that is) and consisted of two people. A guy molesting a guitar and a woman trying to play the drums. Now I hold nothing against women, but I must say that I have never heard one play the drums well before. Must be me again? I know that SOME people (I won’t mention any names here) like to see their titties jiggle around when they play, but not me. Terrible is the right word for her performance. The guitarist had some nice riffs and a really long feedback session which must certainly have done some damage to my ears.
Mary Bell
Up next was Mary Bell. Excellent heavy slow doom with two vocalists who, eventually, both stood in front of the stage due to lack of space.. One of them I knew from the crustcore band Skulls ‘n Flames, he possesses a very powerful voice. All I can say that it was really really heavy and really really slow, so if you’re into doom you will know that this is a great band! Best Dutch doom I have heard up till now. They have recorded a 7 inch at Deadlock records, but it’s release is uncertain. I hope I will get my greedy hands on it sometime.
I was told that this band adds some faster metal riffs to their doom, so I was curious when these guys entered the stage. Before I go reviewing their music, I must say WOOOOOOOOW to their drummer. Seldom have I seen a guy hit the kit so damn hard, that there were people just waiting for that crash to burst into a million pieces. I’m talking Dave Lombardo power here, just not the same speed. The music resembled a lot of Cathedral combined with Goatsnake, and I thought a little bit of The Electric Wizard here and there. The were a couple of blasting fast metalriffs in the songs, but that was pretty cool to hear actually. The only thing I didn’t like was that one of the guitarists was doing a really annoying scream now and then, that almost led to black metal or something. Kick ass band!
Hot ‘n Steamy Monkeylove It was too long since I had seen these guys. And this time I had a little surprise, I brought a monkey mask with me, and I offered to headbang on stage with that idiot thing on. It was way too small, and I couldn’t breathe very well inside, but, that’s sludge and roll huh! Enough about that, for those who haven’t been stalked to death by me about this band, these guys have created a fusion of a couple of cool underground styles. The base is sludgecore, combined with a high dose of rock ‘n roll and a bit of hardcore/punk and crustcore. Kick ass shit! Most tracks were from their debut album, except for the Iron Monkey cover "Supagorgonizer". Besides that the vocalist fell of the stage once, and that the crowd thought that they were getting old (they played there a million times with Insult) it was a great show. Come see them next time, you might see me wearing a monkey mask!
Writer @DemonDust
Tags: #Heavy Fest - Hot 'n Steamy Monkeylove