Kutschurft - Perversity Itself
This evening it was Kutschurft from Utrecht to perform at their rehearsal studio Dbase. Support act was cover band Cell29. Although they did a good job bringing some fine tunes into the area, they aren�t really mentionable. The singer had a good voice and they did a funny Grease cover, but that�s it.
Kutschurft, the band that�s known for their funny lyrics, played at their hometown this evening. Organs, bones and dirt: everything perverse is acceptable in this band. Lyrics are all in Dutch, so I�m sorry but other people won�t understand it.
The show at DB�s was announced as their cd-presentation. It already started funny because the first words from singer Dr. Schurvt Strot (also member of Engorge) were: �we wouldn�t be Kutschurft if things would go as planned. This will be an �almost� cd presentation, because actually the cd isn�t finished yet. And �we hebben er schijt aan��. Mind the new name of the record Zolang De Voorhuid Strekt (as long as the foreskin stretches) with song titles like 'Temptation Weiland' and 'Boer Hoekt Vrouw'.
Despite the unfinished album, the new songs were played very tight. You can tell that there are talented musicians like Mike Ferguson (Detonation) and George Oosthoek (Pleurisy, ex-Orphanage) in this band. Although they seem to work with a certain song structure, the music isn�t boring. The new cd is pretty much the same compared to their older work, but it clearly works. I don�t think it really bothers anybody because you don�t expect a band like this to change their style. It�s a party anyway and not meant to be serious.
Of course they performed with their famous masks and costumes. All of them looking like psycho killers. Another thing I expected was an entertaining performance. When I saw them before at the Dutch Metal Meeting a few years ago, they really put up a show with a nurse coming on stage and so on. It was a bit disappointing that there wasn�t anything unexpected at the show. Despite that we had a good time, especially with older songs like 'Neuk Je Oma In D�r Stoma' and 'Met Je Kanus In Me Anus'.
The crowd seemed entertained (they bought a lot of t-shirts) and the new songs kicked ass so you could say their cd-presentation succeeded.
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