October Falls: another new song available for streaming
Helsinki, Finland-based metallers October Falls will release their fourth album, "The Plague Of A Coming Age", on March 15 on Cd and vinyl via Debemur Morti Productions. According to a press release, the Cd sees "the band continu[ing] to explore its exquisitely sonorous world, deeply melancholic, subtly aggressive and always divinely melodic." Once again, Mikko Lehto gathered gifted musicians around him for the recording: Marko Tarvonen (Moonsorrow) on drums and Sami Hinkka (Ensiferum) on bass. A very special guest contributed clean vocals on two songs: Tomi Joutsen (Amorphis). The visual art was imagined and painted by talented Argentinian artist Santiago Caruso. "The Plague Of A Coming Age" track listing:
01. At the Edge Of An Empty Horizon
02. Bloodlines
03. The Verge Of Oblivion
04. Snakes Of The Old World
05. The Plague Of A Coming Age
06. Mouth Of A Nation's Harlots
07. Boiling Heart Of The North
08. The Weight Of The Fallen
09. Below The Soils
The song "Boiling Heart Of The North" can now be streamed below.
A trailer for the Cd can be seen below. Also available is an audio stream of the song "Snakes Of The Old World".
October Falls' current musical style is described in a press release as "a mixture of atmospheric acoustic music and harsher black metal-oriented material and could be compared to early acoustic Ulver, Drudkh and Primordial blended together with a personal touch and strong melodies. Still, the early acoustic side has not been completely abandoned; there have been occasional acoustic releases through the years and there will also be similar releases again at some point on the horizon."