Paranoiz - Promo 08
Paranoiz hails from Westfalia, Germany. Since its establishment in 2000, the band has released four efforts, their newest being Promo 08; a three-track promo that has also been posted on their MySpace page for those who are interested. Style: Death/Thrash.Right when I opened the envelop which contained the newly arrived promos, I saw this hideous cover for a promo. It was the cover for Promo 08. And you know the deal with these kind of covers, they easily distract you from the musical qualities on the effort. So, if you do check out this promo, focus on the music will ya?! ‘Cause it is a lot better than you might expect.
The sound on this three-track disc is quite tough. It’s really fat and it blasts in a good way. Really, there’s some very nice death and thrash metal on it. But – and this is a big but! – as soon as the demo is over, I have forgotten all about the songs. There’s just not one single note that gets stuck in my head. And that’s a shame, ‘cause songs obviously miss something then.
Still, I wouldn’t want to call this promo bad in anyway (except for the cover of course). It contains some nice music, nice vocals and a good solo here and there. It’s just that it doesn’t raise above the average band out there. Good music for in your local venue yet far away from the big stages.