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Proctor/Wolversveen - Zwarte Fusie (Split)
Once in a while I can listen to music that actually isn’t death metal or grindcore. I’m quite open for almost everything in music and that’s probably the reason that Arcane decided to send this one to me. I have in my hands a split album called “Zwarte Fusie” (Black Fusion) and the bands in question are Wolversveen and Proctor. Arcane did warn me that it wasn’t something I would have heard earlier and he was quite right. I’ve decided to write this review in 2 parts, one for Proctor and one for Wolversveen.
The first 7 songs on the album are from this band. I’ve really never even heard the name and I couldn’t find much information about this project. The band kicks in with Ende, a song that instantly made clear what this music is about. I find that I really like this kind of music to listen away when I’m going to sleep. The guitar work is quite messy, and it’s quite difficult to hear separate riffs. The drum sound is computerized and really adds nicely with the chaos the guitar leaves behind. Now the very best thing in this band was actually the vocals. I really laughed my ass out because most grindcore bands wouldn’t even think of using anything that comes close to this. The songs are all quite short and after a song or 4 I’ve really heard enough of it. I did really like it though, and it’s a bonus that the songs are so short, because if I had to listen this for more than 30 minutes, it would really drive me crazy. The funniest song by the way is “Mijn Broeders Hoeder” because of the really sick vocal intro there.
Proctor: 6,5
Now about Wolversveen, which consist of two members, who also play in Control Human Delete. They started out as a project during their rehearsals, and now they’ve created this split album with Proctor. I was quite astonished when I first heard it, compared with Proctor. I don’t really know how to put this difference, but see it as this: I would more like to smoke a joint when I’m listening to Wolversveen than Proctor. The vocals are far better than with proctor, because they use 2 vocalists now. Simply compare a song like De Synaps Splijter with the previous material of Proctor, and you’ll see that the total length of the songs from Proctor, quite well represent one or two tracks from Wolversveen. With Proctor I sometimes had the feeling it wasn’t complete or that it just was ravaging without a real purpose. Wolversveen on the contrary have set a real nice mixture of electronic black metal with low-pitched and high-pitched vocals. One of my favourite songs is Razernij, because of the funny intro. Another nice piece of work is the song Mijn Ziel Is Van Vlees. I heard this song for the first time, while being stoned. It’s quite slow, with very brutal pieces between the relaxing parts. I refer to a part in the song around 6 minutes, where I could actually hear what they were saying!
Wolversveen: 8,0
Track List:
1: Ende
2: Angstslaaf
3: De Zondebok
4: Mensenhaat
5: Mijn Broeders Hoeder
6: De Klank Van Onheil
7: Met Godenmoed En Vlammend Zwaard
8: De Synaps Splijter
9: Razernij
10: Het Derde Oog
11: Mijn Ziel Van Vlees
12: Hordes Van De Onderwereld
13: Zwarte Furie
Track 1-7: Proctor
Track 8-12: Wolversveen
Track 13: Proctor & Wolversveen
Line Up:
Proctor: Helvraet
Vox – Bog, Instruments/Vox - Wolv
Proctor/Wolversveen - Zwarte Fusie (Split)
73/1001Details Krijs Records
Released on Tuesday Nov 30th, -0001
Electronic Black Metal

Writer @Mat-Core on Thursday Apr 7th, 2005

Tags: #Proctor/Wolversveen
Line up