F.U.B.A.R. - Pure Chaos
When I listened to my voice tape, I encountered an interview with FUBAR, which I wouldn’t want to work out because they were way too drunk to have a normal interview and the interview is pure chaos. Now, I don’t want to hold it longer, after that really funny interview with Cephalic Carnage. Well, let’s see what some drunken crust Limburgian band has to offer! Everybody was talking through eachother so I’ll try my best, but the answers will be storylike. About halfway through the interview, I found out I did this interview together with the vocalist of our band Haklust, Rob van Rooij.. Enjoy both our questions for this utter shit band!!
Okay, let’s start with Obscene Extreme 2003, you played there, and we want to play there with Haklust. Tell me how it was!
FUBAR: We had to play there around 2 AM, and we really thought everybody would have returned to their tents. (I’ve been there for 2 times now… No, even the last band at 3 am has people getting wild – M-C) When we came on the stage and started playing the place turned into chaos, roaring wild chaos with tits and everything. Goddamnit, damn. It was really too fucking cool, superb!
Did Curby (organisator of OEF) asked you, or did you asked yourself?
FUBAR: Uhhhh, It was … No, Pilos. Pilos contacted us, but we have had contact with Curby and said to him: Euhj, that band FUBAR? You have to let them play man, we rule! Yeah, but Pilos is the man… Yeah, he also rules.
Well, playing there in the Czech Republic must have been wild. Did you encounter differences between the grindscene in Czech and in the Netherlands?
FUBAR: The czech grindscene is superb, (Heulemoal te gek!) Really, super intense. I don’t say it’s bigger, but is has more gratitude for the bands. A fine example, we are a pretty crappy shitband, but in Czech the crowd gives all they have. Everybody thinks it’s supercool that you are playing that crapmusic and that’s totally awesome! We’ve recently been to Czech Republic again for a couple of shows, and really, those people….. It’s unbelievable!
So there is less gratitude here in The Netherlands?
FUBAR: Not really, but it’s different. We aren’t so easy with expressing our feelings and thought. Czech people go completely wild for every motherfucking shitband on the planet. Of course, there are a lot more things that are better in Czech, like the cheap beer
At this point they continue jabbering about cheap beer, booze and a lot of drinking being done on their account. Czech people plainly rule, is the conclusion after a couple of minutes…
FUBAR: It’s not always better or something like that, but it sure is more fun to play for them. Don’t get me wrong, playing for Dutch people isn’t bad as well, but it’s different…. You know what I mean.
FUBAR: Give me that list of questions you’ve got there! Uhhh, I can’t even read that!
At this point I was separated from my questions, but got them back, stained. I must say I wasn’t that sober as well…
FUBAR: Were are you writing for?
Told you at the begin, but you probably don’t remember… www.metalrage.com, an international webzine bases in the Netherlands.
FUBAR: What do you think of Irene?
I really don’t have a clue but there was lot of laughter from my side and theirs and the next minutes were dedicated to get to know what Irene was…At the end, I still don’t have a clue, but it was plain nonsense anyway.
Let’s try to continue with the next question. What can we expect in the next couple of years?
FUBAR: We don’t have a plan or something like that. But goddamnit, that full length album… That’s going to come out! (It has come out, and kicks ass! M-C) We are going to the studio next week and then it will be mixed properly and all that shit.
What can we expect?
FUBAR: … Uhmmm… Basically…… A lot faster. Yeah.. Faster!! I think…. Uhhh. Without any self adoring, yeah, I think it’s a lot more interesting than the last one. Not more technical…. Faster! But there certainly is progression in the album since the last one. What we do together with 4 people… there is progression. I think it will be a lot better than the last, especially since we have recorded the bass guitar as well this time. The sound is more creamy, much more gravy on top! Uhmm, but for the rest… We have another split album that will be released pretty soon. Something Czech, but I forgot… Not Nerm… those other dudes! No with that other bands… damn, what are they called…… No… Fuck…. Lahar… YEAH! Lahar! That was it. Owh, and we’re hitting for Brazil! Uhmm…. If everything works out well that is. But if it does, we go to Brazil in May. We’ll see what time brings us.
FUBAR hasn’t released many full albums, but a lot split records and things like that. Why is that?
At this point everybody again started to talk through eachother… Fragments:
Splits Rule… Full lengths are too full-length. Well, full length is 20 minutes, but still hahahaaha.
FUBAR: Let it put it this way, full lengths aren’t that bad, but splits are awesome. You record split albums with friends. It’s really cool to share that with your friends, it’s plainly awesome.
So you like to do splits more than full length albums?
FUBAR: No no no, full lengths are so fucking long! So you need an awefully lot of songs to get to those 20 minutes, certainly with our songs! This just takes a shitload of time to record. Split albums contain around 7 songs, and that’s more than enough! But friends and splits… yeah man.
Yeah, well, about that full length. Do you have a label that will release it?
FUBAR: Bizarre Leprous records.
When I say America, you say?
FUBAR: George W Bush… uhh yeah…. America… uhh… pfff yeah. George W Bush fucked it up for a lot of people and of course for a lot of american people. We are friends with Phobia, an American band, superb guys. They think exactly the same about politics as us and they found that Clinton was… different. But Clinton sucked as well. (Someone of FUBAR screamed: Just plainly fuck it!) But summarized, America is a cool country, but with an aweful political system. BUT! I must say that the Netherlands with it’s Bakellende isn’t better!
That’s my point, someone screamed: Around the whole world you see it, shit in politics, shit everywhere. It’s a assault or something, I don’t know… Let’s call it Nazi.
One more political question, Do you think that if John Kerry wins the election, things will change?
FUBAR: It will change, but if it’s for the better…. Damn, what is better anyway? Peter Core that is better! Do you guys know that organisation that split up and things?
What the fuck? No never heard of it!
I could not sort this part out and it’s still a mystery for me.
Do you want to add something to this conversation?
Fubar: A…. big….. uhhh ehehhehehe
Someone else said: I want to add to this interview that it has been recorded under an awefully lot of booze and uhmm… www.fubargrind.com…
Another said: Yeah, whatever I don’t know
Another: Owh, can I tell a story about last week? Can I?
FUBAR: It’s wasn’t last week… it was the week before last. (Wat hebben we godnondeju gespeeld man!) We played like hell last week. It was in Trier, Germany and it was really awesome. It was in a circus tent or something like that, a place called KSK. Yeah, that really was kick ass. Owh yeah and thanks for this interview very much and I’ll bet it get hell to write this down. Sorry we were not sober, but who cares anyway hahahah
No problem is was quite fun. Owh, one little question. If you compare your show in the 013 with this show, which one was better?
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