Farewell To Words - Tearing down walls
A couple of weeks ago I reviewed the debut EP of Berlin metalcore band Farewell To Words. Since I was so pleasantly surprised by it, I decided to ask them some questions. Fortunately, drummer Leroy took some time to answer the questions. Check this link to read the review: http://www.metalrage.com/reviews/1300.
Please introduce yourself and your band to the ones unfamiliar with you.
‘I am the drummer of Farewell To Words. We´re a berlin hardcore/metalcore band that consists of 6 persons (Flo and Claus guitars, Martin bass, Leroy drums, Mo and
Katharina vocals). The band was originally founded in the beginning of 2005.’
Your debut MCD is about to be released on Bastardized Recordings, how do you feel about that?
‘It is a very important step for us since we’re able now to spread what we do and where we put our passion into, to a wider public. Our label supports us bringing our music to the people who like or might like it.’
How did you come up with the title for the MCD?
‘Well, I think it’s a very fitting title to summarize the expression of the EPs songs. The titles meaning is, that we all (or most of us) have a little wall in our mind. Maybe we have to tear down this wall sometimes to get to know something new.’
Have you had any reactions on the MCD yet? If so, how were they?
‘The reactions we receive so far are very positive. Most of the reviews of TDTW are pretty nice but also other people who have listened to the EP are giving us good feedback. That’s very important for us. Actually, it’s our debut and we’re just starting to go our way. I guess TDTW is a promising beginning.’
I gotta admit that Tear Down This Wall really impressed me. There’s just so much diversity on it! Could you tell us something more about the influences you used for this effort, both lyrically and musically speaking?
‘Thanx, I am happy you like it so much. I think the lyrical influences originate in some important things surrounding and affecting us. We don’t have a special topic or something like that, no red thread. But well, the main sources of lyrical inspiration of course are strong emotions that left their traces in our heads. Summarizing the musical influences is more difficult. We all listen to different kinds of music. That makes songwriting interesting but also asks to balance different opinions. I listen to a lot of deathcore, hardcore and experimental stuff for example and our guitarist Flo listens to more straight music. These differences makes our music a little bit different from what other bands do. At least there are of course a lot of hardcore and metalcore influences in it.’
How did you come up with the cover for TDTW?
‘There is no special meaning to it. We tried a lot of things and the final artwork just fitted to the musical side in the end.’
On your website I read that you parted ways with drummer Mario, what was the reason for that?
‘Haha, that’s a great question for me! I think there were a lot of musically differences and maybe he wasn’t so content with the music anymore. I guess now he’s very happy with his new band Make It Count and I wish him all the best.’
Did his departure cause any troubles so far?
‘Of course a line-up change always causes some trouble trying to find someone to fill the gap. Fortunately we’ve a little bit the same style of playing drums. The band was actually testing like 5 or 6 drummers until they decided to pick me.’
Have you had any (promising) reactions during the search for a new drummer yet?
‘Yeah, me! Well, haha I guess. Your questions assume we still search for one.’
The departure of your drummer isn’t the only line-up change of the past year, why all these line-up changes?
‘I guess it is holding some risks making music with 6 different persons. Everyone should like and support the songs. But yeah, people change their sights and opinions and that’s good but in the cases with Mario and Simon the gap in musical opinions got too big. Looking back I think that this separation was good for both sides. Looking at our band today, you can say that we're all kind of working to get into the same direction and the songwriting process got more easy again.’
Are there any plans for a future release already? If so, could you tell something more about them?
‘Our EP hit the stores two weeks ago and we can’t wait to record a long player. We’ve got a few new songs so far and are writing on some more now. The new stuff is also a good mixture of different styles and holds a little bit more diversity than TDTW. We try to create, record and release a full-length album as soon as possible, I guess somewhere in the next year maybe. Be prepared!’
And how about touring, any plans set for that yet?
‘In the next weeks and months we’ll play a few shows in Germany on the weekends and we’re happy about every show offer. There’s also a longer tour planned but we can’t give you any more info about that yet. We would also love to play some shows in other countries and we’ll try to get some of them in this year.’
Which band(s) would you like to tour with? Why?
‘If you ask me personally, I would say All Shall Perish, Black Dahlia Murder, As Blood Runs Black or Parkway Drive. If you ask the other guys, the first answer would be Metallica. The second, Killswitch Engage hahahaha. But now honestly, there are many bands (also German bands) we would like to tour with. I guess it’s important that every band on a show is a little bit different from the other ones, that makes the show more interesting and gives diversity. That means the same direction but a different kind of it.’
What goals would you like to achieve with Farewell To Words?
‘Playing a lot of shows in the future all over Europe and later all over the world, making good music and get a little bit money for these "best job in the world" to live.’
What’s the most valuable thing you would give up to become a great and well-known metalband?
‘A lot of free time and of course our jobs or studies!’
Well, that was my final question, if there’s anything left to say, you can spit it out now!
‘Every band should do the music they like and they want to do. If every band should try to be a special individual thing to represent a new kind of music, we would be at least very alike again.’
Thank you for your time and good luck in the future!
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