Suicidal Tendencies: new song 'This World' available for streaming
To mark its 30th anniversary, long-running Venice Beach, California thrash/punk band Suicidal Tendencies will release its first studio album in 13 years, aptly titled "13", on March 26. The Cd was produced by Suicidal Tendencies frontman Mike Muir and Grammy-nominated engineer/mixer Paul Northfield (Dream Theater, Hole, Rush).Ahead of the album's release, has your exclusive first listen to the track "This World". Check it out below.
"Thank you [to] all the people [who] have patiently waited for this record," said Muir. "Now I will shut up and let the music do the talking."
"13" track listing:
01. Shake It Out
02. Smash It!
03. This Ain't A Celebration
04. God Only Knows Who I Am
05. Make Your Stand
06. Who's Afraid?
07. Show Some Love...Tear It Down (feat. pro skaters Danny Way, Tony Trujillo, Steve and Alex Olson, Vincent Alvarez, Elijah Berle and Jim "Red Dog" Muir)
08. Cyco Style
09. Slam City
10. Till My Last Breath
11. Living The Fight
12. Life... (Can't Live With It, Can't Live Without It)
13. This World
The "Cyco Style" video was filmed by Pep Williams last May while the band was on tour in Brazil and can be seen below.
The first leg of Suicidal Tendencies' "Slam City" tour starts April 11 at the Regency Ballroom in San Franscisco and ends May 12 in San Diego at House Of Blues. All dates will see Wake The Dead open. D.R.I. will support from Minneapolis to Charleston and Sick Of It All will be join Suicidal Tendencies in Philadelphia, New York, Worchester, Baltimore, and from St. Petersburg until the end of the tour.
When asked why he thinks the sound of Suicidal Tendencies has stood the test of time, the band's frontman, Mike Muir, told Loudwire in a 2012 interview, "I think for us, when we started we didn't really know what we were doing. We didn't really set out and try to do something for other people. We stood there and did what we liked. We didn't care what other people thought. After we did our first record, one of my good friends came up to me and said, 'Yo, Mike, I got to talk to you. People aren't going to like the album. It's not music. You have an opportunity to make music that people can listen to on the radio.' But I didn't think that was an opportunity because I didn't like what I was hearing on the radio. Our barometer is not what people are going to think or how many records we can sell. We just want to be proud of what we make. That's why it stands the test of time. We did records that we thought were really good."
Regarding what fans can expect from the upcoming Cd, Muir said, "The way we look at it is that next year will be the 30th anniversary of our first record. When we look at a record, we don't want to have it sound like 2012. We want it to sound awesome 25 years from now, so when a kid who wasn't even born when we made it listens to it, he's like, 'Damn, that's a cool record!' I just had a guy from a radio station tell me that some listeners have been requesting the new song 'Institutionalized'. The young listeners don't realize that's an old song! Something like [Metallica's recent Orion Music + More festival] is good for us, too, because a lot of people who wouldn't have listened to us will check us out because they know Robert [Trujillo, Metallica bassist] was in the band."
Suicidal Tendencies is:
Mike Muir - Lead Vocals
Dean Pleasants - Lead Guitar
Nico Santora - Rhythm Guitar
Steve Bruner - Bass
Eric Moore – Drums
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