Putrescence - Sledgehammer Holocaust
At 2007’s Bloodshedfest in Dynamo, Eindhoven, I got acquainted with the Canadian deathgrind band Putrescence, which was a nice experience if I remember correctly. This year they bring us their fourth record entitled Sledgehammer Holocaust. Let’s see if the record lives up to their live performance.
Although it is clear to hear that Putrescence play some great deathgrind in the vein of bands like Impaled, Brutal Truth, Kalibas and Kill The Client, the production of Sledgehammer Holocaust is damn crappy. Now I know grindcore bands don’t have all the money in the world, yet it sort of feels redundant to put out a record like this in an already flooded scene when you have nothing special to offer.
It seems as if this is not a good record, but then you’re wrong. The songs are all pretty decent and are written in an old school death metal and grindcore way. As I noticed with their live performance, drummer Dark Lord Skullbong is a very talented player which comes forward on this disc pretty well. It’s just too bad the mixing of this album is far from powerful. Verdict: it’s better to go and see these guys live than to listen to this album.
68/1001Details No Escape Records
Released on Friday Oct 31st, 2008
Death Metal
Writer @DemonDust on Thursday Dec 4th, 2008
Tags: #Putrescence
1. Machete Through Head Like Knife Through Butter
2. Sledgehammer Holocaust (Shit And Bone Infused)
3. Malefic And Uncontrolled Demolition Of The Living
4. Eye Sockets Venting Black, Rotten Blood
5. Gutted, Coated With Malignancy And Re-emboweled
6. Forced To Ingest Caulking Up Nose And Down Trachea
7. The Super Flying Off A Roof Happy Show
8. Moonlight Illuminates Limbs Forced Into Impossible Directions
9. Ukulele Players Drugged Out Machete Attack At The Flea Market
10. I Am Your Flesh
11. The Slabby And Crimpy Ascension Up The Snivelling Shit
12. Halved And Preserved For Further Ritualistic Abuse
13. Hillbilly Savants: Quiet Dignity And Delicate Relationships
14. Q: Mutilated With Chainsaw? A: Split With Maul And Cannibalized
2. Sledgehammer Holocaust (Shit And Bone Infused)
3. Malefic And Uncontrolled Demolition Of The Living
4. Eye Sockets Venting Black, Rotten Blood
5. Gutted, Coated With Malignancy And Re-emboweled
6. Forced To Ingest Caulking Up Nose And Down Trachea
7. The Super Flying Off A Roof Happy Show
8. Moonlight Illuminates Limbs Forced Into Impossible Directions
9. Ukulele Players Drugged Out Machete Attack At The Flea Market
10. I Am Your Flesh
11. The Slabby And Crimpy Ascension Up The Snivelling Shit
12. Halved And Preserved For Further Ritualistic Abuse
13. Hillbilly Savants: Quiet Dignity And Delicate Relationships
14. Q: Mutilated With Chainsaw? A: Split With Maul And Cannibalized
Line up
Soiled Depends (Mike) - Vocals
Necromagnon (Shaun Thomas) - Bass
Dark Lord Skullbong (Corey Thomas) - Drums
Colostomy Bag Darrel (Dennis Charles Mott) - Vocals, Guitars
Grimmgore (Jean-Louis Wittinger) - Guitar
Necromagnon (Shaun Thomas) - Bass
Dark Lord Skullbong (Corey Thomas) - Drums
Colostomy Bag Darrel (Dennis Charles Mott) - Vocals, Guitars
Grimmgore (Jean-Louis Wittinger) - Guitar
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