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Alter Bridge - Are there better livebands out there?
The last time Alter Bridge left this country, they left this reviewer hoping they'd return very very soon in a bigger venue. They were ready for it, they were actually aching for it! Sunday the seventh of December they had their chance to put their money where my mouth was!

This evening's support came from Scottish shredders Logan, who according to Myles Kennedy drank the entire stock of vodka in Eastern and Central Europe. There were no signs of a hangover during their show though! Songs were tight, and they warmed the crowd up for the show to come...

After the pre show, it didn't take long for Alter Bridge to start. Before they started, an announcer told us that the show was going to be recorded, so for the people who weren't there; you can still catch this show on DVD you lucky bastards! The house was packed, mainly because the top stands in de venue were closed for public. This was probably to make the house seem sold out for the DVD, but also gave an extra touch to the evening itself, because nobody likes a venue filled for only 75%.

At the very start of the show, the intention was clear; Alter Bridge meant business!! Where their last show was rid of effects, the light show was great this evening! It wasn't over the top and therefore contributed to the show, without drawing any attention off the music. Alter Bridge started with 'Come To Life' of their latest album Blackbird. Playing for well over an hour and a half, almost the entire Alter Bridge discography was blown into the audience!

Frontman Myles Kennedy proved to be the right man for the job! He is one of those frontmen that can turn a large venue like this into a living room like venue! The man is at home on a stage, which definitely showed when he gave away an accoustic performance of their latest single 'Wayward One'. Bassplayer Brian Marshall showed great skill. Even though bassplayers always tend to fall a bit back in a band, you do not want to miss this one! Scott Phillips is a ferocious drummer who was built (probably by NASA or some Japanese robotcompany) to drum in a rockband! The man didn't miss a beat all night! Besides being a great band, Alter Bridge has the best, I repeat, THE BEST guitarplayer in the world, Mark Tremonti . Without going over the top, or too neo-classical like most guitarplayer in this segment of music tend to do, he showed the crowd why he plays guitar for 8 hours a day! He knows his his PRS like I know my right hand and believe me, me and my right hand have shared a lot in life!

After an already great show, the crowd got an encore, starting with their hitsingle 'Broken Wings'. To everyone's surprise, this was followed up by a less well known B-side called 'New Way To Live'. With a slideguitar preformance by Myles and finishing off with 'Rise Today', Alter Bridge left their fans satisfied ready for their next show, which hopefully is very soon! That is if Myles Kennedy proves to be sane, au contrair to the last frontman the other three played with...

Besides the upcoming concert DVD, Tremonti also released an instructional DVD on guitarplayng (what else)! Check it out at (This is not a commercial in any way, the man is just fucking amazing!)