Lowlands 2005 - A Campingflight To Lowlands Paradise
Lowlands 2005, maybe they have got the best line up since 2000. Metalrage got 2 tickets for the festival to do a festival and some interviews on the 3 day event. Too bad 2 acts got cancelled, one only wanted to talk to 3FM and the last cancelled one had no label. So we went for one interview, a festival review and a great time. The last thing is for sure on the festival, the most of the Metalrage editors who visit the festival it is 5th (or more) occasion. When everybody arrived on Thursday Buzzin Hornet and Siem kept a huge space open for the rest, I think that 40 people had there tents on the same spot.Continue Reading
» Lowlands 2005 - A Campingflight To Lowlands Paradise
» Page 2: Day 1 - Friday August 19th
» Page 3: Day 2 - Saturday August 20th
» Page 4: Day 3 - Sunday August 21th