Hed PE, Idiom, F.R.E.U.D. - Say 'Oh I need some Hed!'
Early on a Saturday evening we travelled to Tivoli de Helling to watch Hed PE and two support acts whose names didn't really ring a bell. It was obvious people just came to see Hed kicking some PE!
A Dutch band from Tilburg called F.R.E.U.D.. started the show tonight. After I'd seen one song I already knew how the rest of the setlist would sound like: unsurprising. And I was right, the music wasn't too bad, but they played nu-metal up your ass. I noticed that most of the crowd agreed with me and I was kind of surprised to see how much shows they've played last year. On their album release party they played with Blindsight for example. I thought of them to be more like highschool friends (maybe they are) who just started playing. They looked like newbies if you ask me. (Lukie)
U.K.'s Idiom was Hed PE's second support tonight. After reading DemonDust's review, who saw Idiom two days before we did, I must say that I pretty much agree with my colleague. Their music wasn't that bad but, just like F.R.E.U.D., this kind of music isn't interesting or whatsoever anymore. It could've been successful in the past decennia and I'd probably dig it five years ago, but now it was boring and it didn't appeal at all. Indeed, too bad. (Mindsaver)

With the previous tour through Europe Hed PE already proved to be totally back in business. The Tivoli in Utrecht exploded last year and it looks like it wasn't a temporary comeback. The Tivoli was again nicely packed with a crowd that managed to get Jahred in an extremely good mood by moshing their asses off, hip hop to the core and sing along with full devotion. With 'Waiting to Die' already being played as the third song of the night, things got really going from the early beginning. Hed PE proved not to be leaning on the success of the older albums like Broke; the tension and sparkle that especially this song ignited was present during the entire show. It's pretty notable that Hed PE barely played the old popular songs like 'Bartender' when they came to live again three or four years ago. It was only after the audience really got into the new shit, which started with Only in America, and showed Hed PE their appreciation, that they played their old shit again. So this time I think Hed PE felt comfortable with playing those old songs again for a dedicated audience which respect them for what they do, and not just for what they did. All this resulted in a subliminal interaction between an outrageous audience and a band in top form. A magnificent and memorable night; Hed PE is 100% back! (Sledgehammer Messiah)
Pictures by Alex Does, Caught by Camera
A Dutch band from Tilburg called F.R.E.U.D.. started the show tonight. After I'd seen one song I already knew how the rest of the setlist would sound like: unsurprising. And I was right, the music wasn't too bad, but they played nu-metal up your ass. I noticed that most of the crowd agreed with me and I was kind of surprised to see how much shows they've played last year. On their album release party they played with Blindsight for example. I thought of them to be more like highschool friends (maybe they are) who just started playing. They looked like newbies if you ask me. (Lukie)
U.K.'s Idiom was Hed PE's second support tonight. After reading DemonDust's review, who saw Idiom two days before we did, I must say that I pretty much agree with my colleague. Their music wasn't that bad but, just like F.R.E.U.D., this kind of music isn't interesting or whatsoever anymore. It could've been successful in the past decennia and I'd probably dig it five years ago, but now it was boring and it didn't appeal at all. Indeed, too bad. (Mindsaver)

With the previous tour through Europe Hed PE already proved to be totally back in business. The Tivoli in Utrecht exploded last year and it looks like it wasn't a temporary comeback. The Tivoli was again nicely packed with a crowd that managed to get Jahred in an extremely good mood by moshing their asses off, hip hop to the core and sing along with full devotion. With 'Waiting to Die' already being played as the third song of the night, things got really going from the early beginning. Hed PE proved not to be leaning on the success of the older albums like Broke; the tension and sparkle that especially this song ignited was present during the entire show. It's pretty notable that Hed PE barely played the old popular songs like 'Bartender' when they came to live again three or four years ago. It was only after the audience really got into the new shit, which started with Only in America, and showed Hed PE their appreciation, that they played their old shit again. So this time I think Hed PE felt comfortable with playing those old songs again for a dedicated audience which respect them for what they do, and not just for what they did. All this resulted in a subliminal interaction between an outrageous audience and a band in top form. A magnificent and memorable night; Hed PE is 100% back! (Sledgehammer Messiah)
Pictures by Alex Does, Caught by Camera
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